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Trigger Point Injections

Relieve pain and relax the muscle.

Schedule your Myofascial Trigger Point Injections with Dr. Deb. Her Nonsurgical Pain Management Certification qualifies her to administer these trigger point injections (TPIs) where a mix of medications are injected into targeted muscles that are causing “knots” or tight bands resulting in pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion.​​

What are Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger point injections are a combination of medications that are injected by a certified professional into a muscle to relieve pain and tightness.

The most common muscle groups that are treated with trigger point injections include:

  • Masseter (a muscle in your jaw)

  • Levator scapulae (a muscle on the sides of your neck)

  • Gluteus medius (a muscle in your hip)

  • Quadratus lumborum (a deep muscle in your low back)

  • Trapezius (the muscle extending over the back of your neck and shoulders)

  • Sternocleidomastoid (a muscle in the front of your neck)

  • Temporalis (a muscle on the sides of your head)

Trigger points can cause certain types of pain or issues. When we have tightness in our shoulder or neck, we often can experience tension headaches. When our buttocks is sore, it can lead to pain or numbness down the leg thanks to the sciatic nerve being aggravated.

The procedure takes about 15 minutes. It kicks in right away and lasts about a month. Other recommended treatments include over-the-counter medication, stretching, heat therapy, massage therapy, and physical therapy.

We Can't Wait To See You!

Schedule Your Appointment With Us.

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