PRF Hair Restoration
Grow your own new, thicker hair.
Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) injections are cutting-edge tools for restoring hair for those that have hair loss or hair thinning.
Unlike prescription medications or hair transplants, PRF hair restoration works to help your body reactive its inactive hair follicles. You will grow brand-new hair with a thicker diameter, just like when you were younger, using cells from your own blood.
Why Choose PRF Hair Restoration to Treat Hair Loss
Our treatment helps you grow your own thicker hair, for results that are completely natural and very long-lasting. You never have to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about covering up thin hair or a bald spot again. Instead, we’re going to grow new, thicker hair, and it’s going to be your own hair.
Your hairline will be completely natural. We’re not transplanting in new hair, so your hair should return in all the normal places, for a natural result.
There is no downtime with PRF for hair loss. This means you won’t need to make plans to hide your treatments from others while you recover after any procedure. Instead, these treatments fit easily into any schedule.
First, we’ll draw some of your blood. Then, we’ll use a specialized process to isolate and concentrate the fibrin growth and healing factors from your blood, creating the PRF. Finally, we will inject the PRF into your scalp, using a very fine needle, to complete the treatment.
There is no downtime or recovery period needed after your PRF injections. You may have some redness at the injection sites, just like with any injection. This is usually very temporary and subsides quickly. Patients don’t typically need to take any special precautions or camouflage the area to maintain their privacy about the treatment, either.